Douglas Bomford Trust: Other Awards Less than £5000

    From The Douglas Bomford Trust

    The mission of the Douglas Bomford Trust focuses on advancing knowledge and understanding in the field of agricultural engineering and technology. The Trust is committed to supporting education and personal development among undergraduate students pursuing careers in these areas, aiming to contribute to their success in the industry.

    Type of Support


    The grant program supports broad goals, including education, training, research, and knowledge transfer in the relevant fields. It emphasizes innovation and the application of science and technology in designing, developing, evaluating, and constructing machinery, systems, and techniques. Funding also covers travel for acquiring or disseminating knowledge, developing new skills, techniques, capabilities, and maintaining professional competencies. This includes supporting membership of IAgrE for students on relevant courses or research programs.


    Organization's Location
    sint et
    Program Location
    dolore sint
    Organization Type
    Laborum Lorem cupidatat nisi
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    • aliqua aliquip laborum voluptate in consectetur ut
    • deserunt minim consequat et sint deserunt minim in anim nisi nisi esse commodo in duis cupidatat
    • ut dolor ipsum officia sunt ad non dolor
    • culpa cillum pariatur id fugiat veniam sunt do consectetur sunt sunt nisi veniam
    up to 5K


    Visit Apply for more information.