Connelly Foundation Grant

From Connelly Foundation

Inspired by our Catholic heritage, the Connelly Foundation aims to create access for those in need and opportunity for those with vision, focusing on serving the Philadelphia area. Since 1955, it has been awarding grants to nonprofits that excel in meeting community needs.

Type of Support


The Connelly Foundation Grant supports nonprofit organizations in the Philadelphia area, prioritizing programs, direct services, general operations, and capital projects within the fields of Education, Human Services, and Culture & Civic Life. In Education, it promotes access to and excellence in PreK-12 Catholic education, focusing on programs that enhance academic quality, strategic improvements for enrollment and sustainability, and increased access to Catholic education. The Human Services grants aim to alleviate urgent needs like food, shelter, and clothing while creating pathways to stability through youth and workforce development. For Culture & Civic Life, the Foundation supports access to and the development of educational programs in the arts, aiming to engage broad audiences and bridge cultural boundaries. The grant criteria evaluate the proposal's alignment with the Foundation's goals, the significance of the need addressed, and the overall quality of the proposal.


Organization's Location
id pariatur
Program Location
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Organization Type
Irure magna
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  • et excepteur mollit id id aute mollit velit duis sunt amet sunt irure
  • magna pariatur ullamco incididunt qui exercitation officia consequat enim magna


Duis cupidatat
Laborum elit pariatur incididunt Lorem nulla ad enim quis ex esse pariatur
Do laborum
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Ullamco tempor
Nulla elit commodo
Labore in
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not specified


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