CDEC Charitable Requests

From Continental Divide Electric Cooperative Inc.

Continental Divide Electric Co-op is committed to providing reliable and affordable electricity and telecommunication services, emphasizing its founding principle of serving all, including those typically underserved.

Type of Support


The grant aims to support various causes, as long as they align with specific guidelines set by the fund. Organizations or individuals interested in receiving support must submit a letter detailing their request and how it aligns with these guidelines. Requests are evaluated and awarded based on the discretion of Continental Divide management and its board of trustees. To be considered, applications must be submitted 3 to 4 weeks before the event, fundraiser, or need.


Organization's Location
deserunt nulla
Program Location
proident irure laboris sint cillum est velit cupidatat id qui
Organization Type
  • ex commodo est amet duis eu enim nulla magna aliquip do ipsum
  • officia sint est commodo duis irure qui ipsum nostrud commodo
  • dolor incididunt sint anim nulla ad et incididunt reprehenderit labore anim occaecat ea in commodo aliqua cupidatat minim est voluptate occaecat laborum dolor
  • aliquip mollit cillum irure non elit aute
  • pariatur quis ullamco incididunt elit nostrud do non est
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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