Taylor/Blakeslee Graduate Fellowships

    From Council for the Advancement of Science Writing

    The Council for the Advancement of Science Writing is dedicated to improving the quality and quantity of science news reaching the public. It supports individuals in science writing through educational programs, grants, and fellowships. The Brinson Foundation aims to support educational, public health, and scientific research initiatives through philanthropy.

    Type of Support


    The grant program provides fellowships to working journalists and students with exceptional talent enrolled in graduate-level science writing programs. This includes writing about science, medicine, health, technology, and the environment aimed at the general public. It honors the contributions of science writers Rennie Taylor and Alton Blakeslee by fostering the next generation of science writers and is supported by The Brinson Foundation as well as a special bequest from the American Tentative Society.


    Organization's Location
    officia laboris
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    Aute mollit officia laboris ea
    • ex dolor deserunt nostrud magna anim et irure anim pariatur incididunt cillum ipsum adipisicing
    • voluptate dolor veniam magna commodo aute fugiat aute aliquip nisi voluptate quis ea
    • irure esse do laboris in ipsum Lorem amet laborum aute
    • proident reprehenderit ullamco elit ut exercitation aute culpa ex dolore aliquip eiusmod dolor eiusmod proident veniam dolor
    • ut consequat Lorem ea exercitation deserunt irure
    • duis sit mollit magna esse aute ullamco est excepteur esse
    • consectetur irure consectetur incididunt id proident consectetur deserunt anim ea anim officia consequat id culpa ad enim irure velit
    • ut irure aute ea et laboris et quis commodo duis aliqua ea labore esse velit laborum Lorem non excepteur esse


    Nisi ullamco in eu


    Review Criteria