Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship

From Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

The Humboldt Foundation aims to foster international academic cooperation. It supports researchers across disciplines and countries, promoting academic exchange and knowledge sharing. The foundation values contributions to its network and provides various forms of support and sponsorship to facilitate scientific progress and collaborative research endeavors.

Type of Support


The Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship is designed for post-doctoral researchers and experienced scientists who seek to conduct research abroad with the support of the Humboldt Foundation’s diverse sponsorship portfolio. Applicants must select an academic host from the Humboldt Network or an award-winning researcher working outside Germany. The fellowship offers funding for 6 to 24 months for postdocs and 6 to 18 months for experienced researchers, which can be divided into up to three separate stays. The fellowship includes a financial grant, family allowances, and personal support throughout the research stay. Additionally, the Humboldt Foundation assists fellows in reintegrating into Germany post-fellowship and offers ongoing alumni support to nurture their professional journey and collaborations. The foundation expects hosts to contribute financially to the fellowship, but exceptions can be made based on the host country's economic conditions or documented funding issues.


Organization's Location
sint excepteur
Program Location
Organization Type
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not specified


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