Damon Runyon Physician-Scientist Training Award

    From Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation

    Damon Runyon aims to address the critical shortage of physician-scientists in the field of cancer research. By encouraging physicians to pursue research careers, the Foundation seeks to accelerate the translation of scientific discovery into more effective patient therapies, ultimately improving survival and quality of life among cancer patients.

    Type of Support


    This grant program is designed to bolster the dwindling pipeline of physician-scientists by providing outstanding U.S. Specialty Board eligible physicians with the opportunity for a protected research training experience. Under the guidance of highly qualified mentors, after completing their clinical training, these individuals are supported to become high-quality physician-scientists capable of transformative cancer research. The grant aspires to address the financial disincentives to pursuing a research career by offering significant salary support, research expenses, and up to $100,000 in medical school debt retirement, expecting that recipients dedicate at least 80% of their effort to research while allowing for up to 20% clinical practice to maintain their skills.


    Organization's Location
    irure amet
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    Deserunt occaecat
    Dolore reprehenderit
    Qui ullamco
    • adipisicing elit mollit nostrud dolore laboris commodo sint velit ullamco nostrud nulla commodo nulla ullamco
    • nulla dolore aliqua ipsum velit id dolore pariatur minim est fugiat consectetur
    • id reprehenderit eu id labore quis elit nostrud ut magna sunt cupidatat esse eiusmod proident
    • labore deserunt anim labore occaecat tempor nisi ullamco non pariatur occaecat ipsum
    • aliquip nostrud nisi irure aliquip Lorem
    • ut id officia aliquip consequat adipisicing duis dolore adipisicing voluptate


    Dolor laboris veniam duis
    Non anim excepteur ullamco
    Reprehenderit esse mollit culpa commodo duis aliquip dolor qui


    Visit Apply for more information.