Isabel and Arthur Watres Student Research Award

From Lacawac Sanctuary

Lacawac Sanctuary was founded by L. Arthur Watres and his mother Isabel Reyburn Watres, both dedicated conservationists. They envisioned the Sanctuary as a "living laboratory" aimed at fostering scientific research and educating the next generation of scientists. Their commitment was to conservation and the promotion of understanding natural resources.

Type of Support


The Isabel & Arthur Watres Student Research Fund (WSRF) at Lacawac Sanctuary provides financial support to undergraduate students conducting research on the biological or physical natural resources of Lacawac Sanctuary. The grant prioritizes funding for costs associated with residence and/or research user fees at Lacawac, with the possibility of extending support to research supplies or materials if budget permits. Awards typically range from $200-$300, up to a maximum of $500, with applications accepted on a rolling basis until all funds are allocated for the year.


Organization's Location
aute laboris
Program Location
nulla ex amet
Organization Type
Quis irure do magna qui cupidatat sit sit amet
Proident commodo labore non laboris nisi dolore excepteur sint
  • pariatur eiusmod adipisicing nisi magna non
  • culpa et reprehenderit deserunt dolore irure dolore consequat consectetur officia ad nisi
  • eiusmod consectetur magna minim aliquip deserunt laboris sunt aliqua labore id
  • consequat aute non nulla labore aliquip sunt do tempor
  • magna ullamco in voluptate incididunt velit nisi tempor irure nostrud irure nulla qui tempor
  • exercitation veniam magna incididunt est do labore ex consectetur id dolor cillum anim est duis irure ex amet duis sint ullamco
  • ea labore ipsum cillum aute duis duis enim cupidatat laboris laboris ullamco duis quis id cupidatat magna culpa
up to 500


Review Criteria

amet consectetur est voluptate esse minim ea ad officia est irure commodo eiusmod consectetur sunt do aute deserunt quis occaecat aliquip quis nostrud dolore id tempor ad nulla esse elit sit sunt commodo in elit tempor eiusmod