Society Awards: Kazuhiko Kinosita Award in Single-Molecule Biophysics

    From Biophysical Society

    The mission of the funder is to advance the field of biophysics by supporting research and development in various scientific disciplines such as math, chemistry, physics, engineering, pharmacology, and materials sciences. This support aims to encourage the use of interdisciplinary skills to explore and develop new tools for understanding the mechanisms of life and the complex systems within our bodies.

    Type of Support


    The Kazuhiko Kinosita Award in Single-Molecule Biophysics, part of the Society's awards program, is dedicated to honoring outstanding contributions in the field of single-molecule biophysics. It acknowledges researchers who have significantly advanced our understanding of biophysical mechanisms at the molecular level, promoting cross-disciplinary research and elevating the appreciation of single-molecule studies in the scientific community. The award commemorates Professor Kazuhiko Kinosita, Jr.'s pioneering work, including his experiments that demonstrated the rotation of ATP synthase molecules, and provides an honorarium to the recipient to encourage further advancements in the field.


    Organization's Location
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    • ad ipsum laborum consequat id ut do qui enim sit elit minim excepteur
    • dolore culpa magna consequat fugiat labore mollit voluptate cillum ullamco occaecat exercitation labore
    • Lorem ea aliqua sunt id officia voluptate voluptate dolore anim duis ipsum excepteur officia esse id dolore


    Nulla dolor cupidatat et excepteur dolore
    Magna exercitation proident minim veniam


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