Roquette Foundation Research Prize

From Roquette Foundation for Health

The Roquette Foundation for Health, aligned with the Roquette Group's values of authenticity, well-being, excellence, and anticipation, aims to promote healthier lifestyles through positive eating habits. It focuses on food, nutrition, and health, with a special emphasis on aiding children and young adults by facilitating access to healthy and sustainable food, improving knowledge on food-health relationships, and promoting beneficial and sustainable eating habits.

Type of Support


The Roquette Foundation for Health's "Beneficial Food For Our Health" vision supports projects that align with its mission to enhance the health of children and young adults through three core areas: access to healthy food for the vulnerable, education on food and health, and sustainable eating habits. The Foundation's Research Award, initiated in 2020 and aimed at young researchers under 40, rewards innovative research in food, nutrition, health prevention, future food, or nutritional transitions, furthering its commitment to preventing diseases and advancing global health.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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  • duis magna consectetur exercitation occaecat anim magna deserunt excepteur Lorem tempor nulla elit labore
  • qui pariatur cillum qui incididunt velit minim anim veniam
not specified


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