Society Awards: Emily M. Gray Award

From Biophysical Society

The mission of the funder is to advance the field of biophysics by supporting research and development in various scientific disciplines such as math, chemistry, physics, engineering, pharmacology, and materials sciences. This support aims to encourage the use of interdisciplinary skills to explore and develop new tools for understanding the mechanisms of life and the complex systems within our bodies.

Type of Support


The Society Awards program by the Biophysical Society recognizes excellence in the field of biophysics across sixteen different categories. It encourages members to nominate deserving candidates, including the option for self-nominations in most categories, to highlight outstanding achievements in biophysics research and education. Specifically, the Emily M. Gray Award, given biennially, focuses on notable contributions to biophysics education, whether through teaching, mentoring, developing educational methods or materials, scientific outreach, attracting new students to biophysics, or fostering an educational environment conducive to the field. The award includes an honorarium of $2000.


Organization's Location
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