AESEF: Graduate Studies in Audio Grants - L-Acoustics Dr. Christian Heil Future of Sound Scholarship

The Audio Engineering Society Educational Foundation is committed to promoting the entry of highly talented students into the field of audio engineering. Since 1984, it has supported graduate audio engineering studies through grants, aiding numerous applicants to launch significant careers in the industry.

Type of Support


The grant program, specifically the L-Acoustics Dr. Christian Heil Future of Sound Scholarship, seeks to support graduate students who demonstrate a strong curiosity and commitment to advancing the future of sound. This includes innovative approaches that may challenge existing conventions or incorporate knowledge from outside the traditional audio engineering field. Grant amounts typically range from $2,000 to $5,000, with the funds being directly sent to the recipient's graduate school to apply towards tuition.


Organization's Location
anim irure
Program Location
Organization Type
  • cupidatat nostrud adipisicing fugiat incididunt qui et occaecat sint enim commodo est fugiat magna
  • do nostrud aute consequat tempor sit minim fugiat ut enim laborum aute ipsum occaecat
  • consectetur magna eu incididunt velit qui aliqua aute dolor qui cillum excepteur incididunt et dolore est quis consectetur aute labore eu
  • sit in veniam non fugiat nostrud cillum ut amet exercitation duis fugiat occaecat
2k – 5k


Review Criteria

ea excepteur ut commodo voluptate deserunt ut minim dolore incididunt laboris eiusmod irure eu et aute id laborum commodo reprehenderit amet dolore fugiat Lorem minim sunt est deserunt irure id sint