AESEF: Graduate Studies in Audio Grants - Garry Margolis Scholarship

    The Audio Engineering Society Educational Foundation is committed to promoting the entry of highly talented students into the field of audio engineering. Since 1984, it has supported graduate audio engineering studies through grants, aiding numerous applicants to launch significant careers in the industry.

    Type of Support


    The Graduate Studies in Audio Grants, including the Garry Margolis Scholarship, aim to support students pursuing graduate-level studies in audio engineering. These grants honor the legacy of individuals like Garry Margolis, who significantly contributed to the audio engineering profession through technical expertise, marketing, education, and leadership in organizations like the Audio Engineering Society. The scholarships generally range from two to five thousand dollars and are paid directly to the recipient's graduate school to be applied toward tuition. This grant program encourages the professional and academic advancement of students in audio engineering, reflecting the Foundation's dedication to fostering new talent in the field.


    Organization's Location
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    Program Location
    Organization Type
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    2K – 5K


    Visit Apply for more information.