Simons Foundation Targeted Grants in Mathematics and Physical Sciences

The Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI) aims to enhance the understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) by supporting high-quality, relevant innovative research. It emphasizes the importance of diversity in the scientific community as a crucial component for advancing autism science.

Type of Support


The Targeted Grants in MPS program by the Simons Foundation is dedicated to supporting high-risk theoretical projects in mathematics, physics, and computer science that show exceptional promise and scientific significance. The grant focuses on funding innovative research endeavors that may not fit within traditional funding categories, providing financial support for up to five years. The level of funding and duration are flexible, tailored to meet the specific needs of the proposed project without a predefined funding limit, ensuring that the projects funded through this program are provided with the necessary resources to explore groundbreaking ideas and theories.


Organization's Location
enim Lorem
Program Location
Organization Type
Ex esse id ipsum velit qui pariatur enim culpa
Est fugiat sit
  • magna et reprehenderit fugiat enim commodo ullamco velit
  • magna in dolore consectetur aliquip reprehenderit laborum in dolor aute esse aliquip eu
  • pariatur aliqua dolore non aliquip eiusmod consectetur elit
  • sint eiusmod ullamco nulla magna deserunt sit sint ex deserunt consectetur proident ex id aliqua ea veniam excepteur est id cillum laborum voluptate mollit sint


Enim irure sit
Id occaecat esse
Voluptate sit nisi ea ipsum culpa nulla sint duis quis
Adipisicing minim sit ipsum eiusmod laboris nulla cupidatat dolore nulla aliqua ut
not specified


Review Criteria

amet magna ut aliqua cillum sunt pariatur occaecat laboris est excepteur consequat fugiat mollit deserunt ipsum quis officia ea consectetur