Dr. G. Clifford and Florence B. Decker Foundation Grant - Under $5000

From Dr. G. Clifford and Florence B. Decker Foundation

The Dr. G. Clifford and Florence B. Decker Foundation aims to support charitable organizations by focusing primarily on education, medical and medical research, and cultural and human service organizations that serve the residents of Broome County. Their assistance comes mainly in the form of grants for capital projects or new and innovative projects or programs.

Type of Support


The Dr. G. Clifford and Florence B. Decker Foundation Grant program is designed to provide financial support to qualified charitable organizations. It prioritizes projects and programs related to education, medical and medical research institutions, and cultural and human service organizations that primarily serve the residents of Broome County. Grants can be used for capital projects or for launching new and innovative projects or programs. Applications for grants under $5,000 are accepted any time and have the same guidelines as larger grants, except for specific deadlines. For smaller grants, only one application copy is needed.


Organization's Location
ipsum consectetur
Program Location
sit nostrud ipsum
Organization Type
Dolore fugiat
Voluptate ullamco
Mollit aliqua
Minim laborum aute
Dolore aliquip
Sint deserunt Lorem
  • nulla ex pariatur minim sint consequat tempor culpa irure
  • eiusmod consectetur cupidatat mollit quis exercitation ex amet incididunt
  • minim quis elit duis duis et proident consectetur


Minim consequat ut duis
Pariatur dolore consequat excepteur aute
In quis exercitation dolore
Ut sint
Aliquip eiusmod dolor
up to 5k


Visit Apply for more information.

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