Drescher Foundation Grant

The Dresher Foundation, founded by Jim and Virginia Dresher in 1989, is dedicated to enriching community life in Harford County, Maryland. With a strong philanthropic history, it seeks to inspire hope by supporting nonprofit organizations that address health, education, human service needs, and provide civic and cultural opportunities.

Type of Support


The Dresher Foundation grants cater to programs within specific focus areas: Human Services, Health, Education, and Civic & Culture. It aims to improve the quality of life by supporting basic services like food, housing, and employment opportunities; health and wellbeing programs including behavioral health and dental care; educational enrichment for children and youth including summer camps; and projects enhancing community vibrancy through cultural activities and arts. The Foundation has a specific application process and deadlines for submissions, emphasizing the need for pre-approval before submitting letters of inquiry or full grant applications.


Organization's Location
ea non
Program Location
laborum sint tempor
Organization Type
Reprehenderit cupidatat consectetur aliquip nisi qui
  • duis do in aliqua officia aliquip cillum do ipsum sint pariatur


Ad Lorem cillum ut
Ad ullamco dolore qui pariatur consequat aliqua
Quis excepteur officia veniam minim
Ipsum nisi anim minim reprehenderit dolor ut
Veniam adipisicing adipisicing occaecat sint sunt
Mollit est dolor culpa enim dolore ullamco est sunt
not specified


Step 1: irure culpa culpa
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: veniam id (et occaecat)

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