Sally Beck Fund

The mission of this funder is to support a broad range of initiatives and programs across multiple focus areas, reflecting a commitment to enhance community well-being and cultural enrichment. They aim to fund efforts in arts and culture, civic and community initiatives, education, health, and human services, demonstrating a flexible and inclusive approach to philanthropy.

Type of Support


The grant program reviews applications twice annually, focusing on broad goals or guiding principles aimed at supporting specific causes within the equine community. These causes include equine rescue and care, therapeutic riding programs, and equine-related disaster response efforts.


Organization's Location
Lorem sit
Program Location
Organization Type
Fugiat ad occaecat esse aute
  • fugiat laborum laborum nostrud excepteur enim et velit culpa cillum sint exercitation aliqua
  • esse anim amet velit amet Lorem velit anim esse laboris sint excepteur veniam


Ea nulla sint non eiusmod culpa
Labore est ea quis culpa occaecat consequat
1k – 7.5k


Visit Apply for more information.