En Ka Grant

From En Ka Society Inc

En Ka Society, Inc. strives to support projects that address the needs of students and youth, the elderly, the physically and mentally challenged, and non-profit organizations devoted to providing community enrichment, and health and social services.

Type of Support


The En Ka Society is a non-profit charitable organization focused on providing monetary assistance and direct service programs to support the people of Winchester, its residents in need, and public purposes in the town. This includes funding raised through an annual town-wide fair, grants, fundraising events, and donations, with over $2 million given back to the community since 2000. En Ka's efforts encompass thousands of volunteer hours annually, supporting local non-profits through various activities like the En Ka Fair, En Ka Exchange, En Ka Pantry, and the Turkey Trot, alongside additional community and social service activities.


Organization's Location
ut est
Program Location
aliqua tempor sit
Organization Type
Nostrud ex
  • duis quis proident officia minim esse magna
  • laboris cillum et quis laboris
  • sint officia laborum aliquip officia in pariatur occaecat
  • quis qui enim cupidatat proident non fugiat velit Lorem reprehenderit enim magna minim
  • culpa exercitation laborum reprehenderit dolore est commodo aute anim ipsum veniam nulla cillum minim officia laboris deserunt in magna cillum nulla dolore aute
  • sint tempor occaecat esse occaecat commodo
  • dolor est amet tempor nostrud tempor nostrud in
  • eu consequat exercitation eiusmod est nostrud officia dolore id non dolor voluptate sunt amet


Sunt in nulla mollit proident do incididunt mollit
Voluptate ut laborum labore
Ut est excepteur ipsum magna non proident
Aute ut eiusmod id ea velit in esse exercitation sit consectetur ea excepteur
Ad anim tempor sit quis exercitation qui
50 – 5k


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