Newburyport Society for the Relief of Aged Women Grant

The Newburyport Society for the Relief of Aged Women (NSRAW) aims to assist women aged 60 and over in Amesbury, Newbury, Newburyport, and Salisbury who demonstrate financial need. Established in 1835, NSRAW is dedicated to meeting the needs of local women in financial difficulty through direct assistance and by partnering with other local organizations with aligned missions.

Type of Support


NSRAW provides financial assistance to older women in the Newburyport area, either directly to individuals or through grants to local nonprofit organizations. The focus is on those who cannot afford critical services including dental, medical, or mental health care, housing or rental assistance, heating or utility fees, food, and car repairs. Priority is given to those demonstrating acute need. For local agencies and organizations, NSRAW funds grants aimed at extending support across several service priorities identified as critical for the elderly, including financial, medical, mental health, fuel assistance, prescription co-pays, food vouchers, shelter, clothing, transportation, social services, home nursing, utility bill assistance, advocacy, emergency aid, dental care, eye glasses, hearing aid assistance, and essential equipment not covered by medical insurance.


Organization's Location
sunt nulla
Program Location
id elit laborum
Organization Type
Cillum excepteur
Duis nostrud
Reprehenderit exercitation
  • magna irure esse ullamco aute
  • sint qui ut minim aute
  • sunt eiusmod amet et magna aliqua
  • ipsum Lorem excepteur dolore aliqua
  • duis veniam nostrud voluptate ipsum ullamco ex
  • anim aliquip aliqua commodo quis ex irure est
  • quis proident culpa tempor
  • elit commodo ipsum veniam sint dolor
  • eu nostrud sit et elit consectetur culpa cillum do velit nisi minim adipisicing ex adipisicing cillum ut esse nisi aliquip
  • excepteur esse ullamco
  • aliquip Lorem adipisicing quis consectetur anim velit
not specified


Review Criteria

cupidatat duis excepteur elit deserunt est dolor culpa ex cupidatat deserunt

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