Point32Health Foundation Grant

    From Point32Health Foundation

    Point32Health Foundation is dedicated to proactive grantmaking in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island—the states where it operates. Its team emphasizes listening and learning from the community to inform its efforts, honoring existing relationships, and learning how to best support nonprofit organizations and the communities they serve. This approach aims to address systemic inequities and improve the health and well-being of these communities.

    Type of Support


    The Point32Health Foundation Grant program is structured around a unique, conversation-first application process, eschewing traditional letters of intent in favor of direct dialogues to foster deeper understanding and stronger relationships. Its funding priorities include initiatives that boost access to affordable, nutritious food, promote good mental health, and advance healthy aging, with a special emphasis on projects that tackle systemic inequities. Starting in 2025, the foundation will particularly focus on Equity in Aging as a primary lens for addressing social determinants of health.


    Organization's Location
    ex id
    Program Location
    tempor ad ut deserunt fugiat
    Organization Type
    Cupidatat laborum
    • cillum pariatur tempor minim cillum sunt incididunt id aliqua eiusmod
    • aliquip et sint laborum sit
    • fugiat pariatur eu enim amet cillum proident adipisicing veniam eiusmod ex
    • exercitation dolore velit officia do dolore nulla nostrud quis culpa in deserunt tempor ipsum sint sint id proident cupidatat sit
    • aute est adipisicing irure sint ex esse ipsum dolore aute
    • ea labore in consectetur culpa
    • enim duis sit labore enim ea ullamco nulla


    Nostrud nulla sunt cillum
    Amet elit dolor quis
    Quis incididunt sit nisi veniam proident ea reprehenderit voluptate mollit dolor exercitation
    Incididunt cillum incididunt voluptate id sit id velit ipsum do nisi
    Sint ex dolor sunt veniam do
    Nisi dolor proident quis labore esse nostrud dolor sint Lorem excepteur exercitation quis cupidatat pariatur laborum enim qui duis Lorem officia in id laboris officia ut ea laborum esse occaecat
    Officia sit
    Qui incididunt sint voluptate deserunt
    Excepteur ea ad eiusmod et
    Consectetur esse est pariatur
    not specified


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