The EBI Foundation aims to contribute to the health, education, and prosperity of the communities where its employees live and work. Created in 1952 and funded by EBI and its subsidiaries, it supports a range of causes including education, environmental preservation, disaster response, healthcare, scientific innovation, the arts, and community improvement. It prioritizes responsible social involvement and encourages employee engagement in community service, matching contributions to educational and cultural organizations.
The Ensign-Bickford Foundation Grant focuses on supporting a wide array of programs and initiatives that align with six key funding areas, with an emphasis on education and the environment. The grant program targets accredited educational institutions, ecological system improvement projects, public service organizations, community welfare improvements, economic and humanities enrichment, and arts and cultural promotion within communities where EBI operates. It also includes a matching gifts program to match donations by employees to eligible organizations and supports volunteer involvement by giving special consideration to organizations where EBI employees are active volunteers.
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