ESF: General Support Fund

The Esperantic Studies Foundation (ESF) was founded in 1968 with the mission to promote scholarly research and dialogue on world language problems and policies, including the planned international language, Esperanto.

Type of Support


The General Support Fund (GSF) of the ESF covers projects that align with ESF's three current priorities: Research, Education, and Conservation. It is open to individuals and organizations such as universities. Projects must be closely related to ESF’s priority areas to be considered for funding. Grants are given out competitively, are typically small, and are intended to be utilized within a year, though larger grants for longer periods may occasionally be awarded. Applications are reviewed by a subcommittee of the ESF Board of Directors, and those fitting the guidelines for the ISF will be redirected appropriately.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type


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not specified


Review Criteria

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