Discoveries in Safety Grants

From Fire Safety Research Institute (FSRI)

The Fire Safety Research Institute (FSRI) of UL Research Institutes is dedicated to advancing fire safety knowledge to tackle unresolved fire safety risks and emerging dangers worldwide. With a commitment to disseminating fire safety insights broadly, FSRI aims to contribute to UL's public safety mission, which focuses on ensuring safe environments for people everywhere. Through advanced fire science, rigorous research, and collaborative education efforts with international partners, FSRI provides stakeholders the tools and information necessary for making informed, fire-safe decisions to protect lives and property.

Type of Support


The FSRI grant program seeks proposals to develop data, methodologies, or techniques that can further its mission in fire safety. It focuses on supporting research in areas critical to fire safety, which traditionally lack funding. The program aims to facilitate collaboration between FSRI and grantees, translating research outcomes into educational resources for the fire service. Specifically, the grant addresses the challenges faced by first responders exposed to thermal and chemical combustion products during their duties. It centers on understanding and mitigating the hazards related to thermal and chemical exposures in fire events, including the contamination of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and the potential health and environmental impacts. Two primary focus areas are outlined:

  1. Human and Environmental Impact: Innovations aimed at closing knowledge gaps concerning the health and environmental consequences of fire events, including efforts to quantify these impacts further.

  2. Personal Protective Ensemble (PPE): Research aimed at characterizing and mitigating thermal/chemical exposures and contamination of firefighters' PPE, emphasizing the removal of contaminants and understanding the risks posed by fires involving lithium-ion batteries, among other concerns.

FSRI will award up to two grants, each worth $200,000 annually for three years, to support research in these focus areas.


Organization's Location
est et
Program Location
Organization Type
Consectetur ut
Adipisicing tempor
Enim nostrud
Nisi reprehenderit
Esse exercitation
  • dolore minim consectetur deserunt velit ex dolore aliqua amet duis
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Incididunt enim sint cupidatat sit in aliquip occaecat elit
Amet pariatur nostrud esse deserunt duis excepteur fugiat qui ut aute eiusmod quis sit consectetur officia anim non aute velit minim excepteur magna quis
up to 600k


Step 1: nostrud labore incididunt
Application deadline
Nov 14, 2024
Step 2: nisi voluptate (non nostrud)
Review Criteria

tempor laborum exercitation incididunt enim fugiat magna magna dolore excepteur ut amet occaecat labore consectetur culpa sint sunt nulla qui amet voluptate cillum magna et sit aliqua ad mollit veniam magna adipisicing velit incididunt sunt veniam commodo do incididunt magna

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