FHF Emergency Grant

The Floyd Hooker Foundation is a testamentary trust created by Floyd “Vic” Hooker to support the children of Tioga County. Funded by his New York State Lottery winnings, the foundation aims to address unmet needs within the county by providing grants to qualified tax-exempt organizations that benefit local children.

Type of Support


The Floyd Hooker Foundation offers three types of grants, including the Emergency Grant, specifically for Qualified Organizations facing unforeseen external events or pressing needs that arise outside of the normal funding cycle and do not qualify as Capital/Special Projects Grants. The Emergency Grant focuses on demonstrating the urgency caused by unforeseen forces beyond the organization's control, highlighting a significant, immediate, and critical localized need that, if unmet, would negatively impact the children of Tioga County.


Organization's Location
exercitation cupidatat
Program Location
duis irure voluptate
Organization Type
Duis in dolore cillum
Minim consectetur
Dolor esse officia do sint fugiat cillum
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  • consectetur incididunt dolor proident pariatur Lorem magna irure
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not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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