John M. Drogosz Youth Substance Abuse Prevention/Treatment Memorial Fund Grant

    From The Foundation for Northwest Illinois

    The Freeport Community Foundation aims to improve the well-being of citizens in northwest Illinois by building permanent funds and distributing their income to charitable organizations.

    Type of Support


    The John M. Drogosz Youth Substance Abuse Prevention/Treatment Memorial Fund Grant supports non-profit organizations offering educational, prevention, and/or treatment programs for substance abuse aimed at youths 21 or younger. This grant targets Stephenson, Jo Daviess, and Carroll Counties. Established in December 2010 by Dick and Marianne Drogosz in memory of their son, this fund reflects the community's commitment to combating youth substance abuse through the support of over 200 donors.


    Organization's Location
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    Program Location
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    Organization Type
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    Visit Apply for more information.