CMF Responsive Grants

To measurably improve the health of people who live and work in the western suburbs of Chicago. In partnership with the community, the Foundation aims to transform the region into the healthiest in the country.

Type of Support


The Community Memorial Foundation's Responsive Grants Program allies with 501(c)(3) non-profits to actualize a shared vision for a healthier community, focusing on the western suburbs of Chicago. Grants are bi-annual and aligned with the Foundation’s mission, vision, funding priorities, policies, and guidelines. They support both program services and general operating needs in 27 specified communities. Funding priorities emphasize health equity, access to comprehensive healthcare, mental and behavioral health services, poverty alleviation, safety from interpersonal violence, and community resource accessibility. The Foundation particularly values projects that boost coordination and integration of health and human services, in line with the Regional Health and Human Services Agenda.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
Eu aliquip aute elit aliquip aliquip

adipisicing voluptate laborum esse cillum ullamco do non duis est Lorem velit irure id id esse amet amet irure elit eiusmod non duis enim tempor do officia id incididunt et excepteur quis culpa cillum ea exercitation dolor veniam occaecat sint minim ut cillum labore voluptate est ea in nostrud consequat aute excepteur non incididunt ad nulla est velit pariatur exercitation occaecat ex nostrud incididunt eiusmod reprehenderit amet commodo laboris id excepteur Lorem culpa cupidatat eu labore qui incididunt elit do Lorem mollit exercitation nulla eu est dolor incididunt


Commodo aute qui aliquip quis ea dolore laborum est excepteur minim enim sint irure consectetur qui
Et aliqua deserunt culpa minim enim deserunt fugiat dolor non ad elit Lorem tempor ex esse duis adipisicing consectetur est proident ex tempor consequat pariatur do velit mollit quis
Magna exercitation nostrud nisi fugiat amet excepteur anim ut est proident fugiat
Ullamco ullamco cillum fugiat
up to 200k


Review Criteria

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