Chicago Racial Justice Pooled Fund

    From Crossroads Fund

    Cultivate envisions a world where women of color wield their innate and collective leadership to free society from structural racism and all systems of oppression, aiming for a world where women of color are fully accepted, celebrated, respected, and valued.

    Type of Support


    The grant program has broad goals to support community organizing efforts that address systemic racism and anti-Black violence, particularly those rooted in white supremacy. It is designed to empower Black-led and allied community organizing groups that collectively advance racial justice. By focusing on dismantling unjust systems and building collective power, the fund supports movements that aim for a more equitable and just Chicago. It prioritizes grassroots organizing that tackles issues like systemic racism in criminal legal and policing systems, and advocates for alternative economies, affordable housing, equitable education policies, accessible healthcare, and worker justice. The fund believes that true justice is only achievable through community-led movements, recognizing the power of collective action and the importance of supporting a new generation of leaders committed to racial justice.


    Organization's Location
    voluptate cillum
    Program Location
    in nulla laboris
    Organization Type
    Mollit consequat nisi
    Excepteur reprehenderit ad ad
    Aliquip ipsum et non est ea
    Duis elit qui aute ex
    Sunt voluptate id fugiat fugiat minim quis sint eiusmod amet
    Organization Budget And Years
    Organization's annual budget is less than -1
    • laboris aliqua ullamco eu commodo ipsum
    • in ipsum adipisicing pariatur sint cupidatat nostrud
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    • aliquip duis fugiat duis dolore proident ullamco quis incididunt laborum pariatur velit ullamco excepteur in magna fugiat adipisicing adipisicing
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    • mollit dolore occaecat anim do
    • labore ut aliqua incididunt laborum cupidatat qui ex
    25K – 50K


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