African American Legacy Grants

From The Chicago Community Trust

Founded in 2002, the Asian Giving Circle (AGC) works to support Asian and Pacific Islander-led nonprofits in Chicago, aiming to advance social justice within these communities. AGC focuses on pooling and directing financial resources toward organizations that confront current issues faced by the diverse API communities. As part of a larger network initiated by Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy, AGC's mission encompasses the belief that strategic giving can transform and build a better world through supporting broader struggles for liberation alongside specific community needs.

Type of Support


The African American Legacy grant program is designed to support Black-led and Black-serving community organizations operating in specific areas critical to the upliftment and empowerment of Black communities. The 2024 focus areas include: Community and Civic Engagement, aiming to support youth leadership, intergenerational advocacy, and activism that combats anti-Black racism; Mental Health, focusing on organizations preparing individuals to deliver or advocate for mental health services ranging from trauma-informed care to addressing the stress factors disproportionately affecting Black communities; Wealth Creation, supporting initiatives like financial literacy, wealth management, and workforce reentry that aim at economically empowering Black communities; and Arts and Sciences, aimed at spurring creativity and providing academic enrichment in STEAM subjects for Black children and young adults.


Organization's Location
ex nulla
Program Location
cillum laboris commodo cillum incididunt commodo laborum ex eiusmod incididunt
Organization Type
Laboris laborum irure nostrud duis in eiusmod amet
Sint cillum fugiat mollit anim consequat anim occaecat exercitation anim
Cupidatat irure sunt Lorem veniam ullamco
Organization Budget And Years
Organization's annual budget is between -1 and -1
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10k – 20k


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