Crossroads Fund: Critical Response Fund Grant

    From Crossroads Fund

    Cultivate envisions a world where women of color wield their innate and collective leadership to free society from structural racism and all systems of oppression, aiming for a world where women of color are fully accepted, celebrated, respected, and valued.

    Type of Support


    The Critical Response Fund is designed to support organizations in a time of crisis, especially in response to the harms caused by COVID-19 and structural inequalities. It prioritizes funding for community-based mutual aid efforts, responses to policy changes that endanger communities, strategies for building power and promoting healing, initiatives for long-term societal transformation, building organizational capacity for strategic base building, and enhancing digital infrastructure. The Critical Response Fund provides rapid response funding to protect, empower, and support communities during these heightened political moments and threats to movement building work. We aim to resource time-sensitive and unanticipated projects, organizing, mobilizations, and/or direct actions.


    Organization's Location
    aliqua Lorem
    Program Location
    id veniam incididunt occaecat
    Organization Type
    Duis minim tempor aliquip amet nulla ea commodo nostrud et
    Organization Budget And Years
    Organization's annual budget is less than -1

    ad ullamco cillum dolor eiusmod non ex aliquip aute Lorem officia ad veniam labore duis esse consectetur eu officia non reprehenderit laboris sint nulla do adipisicing sit commodo et anim et labore qui

    5K – 10K


    Review Criteria

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