Polk Bros. Foundation Grants

The Polk Bros. Foundation aims to enhance the quality of life for Chicago's residents by partnering with local nonprofits to mitigate poverty's effects. It focuses on providing access to quality education, preventive healthcare, and basic human services, endeavoring to enable all Chicagoans to realize their full potential.

Type of Support


The Polk Bros. Foundation Grants program supports organizations that address the root causes and effects of poverty in Chicago's underserved communities. The foundation funds both new and ongoing projects across six categories: strong communities, strong families, education, health, arts access and learning, and enhanced capacity. It emphasizes initiatives that promote access to services, systemic change, and life quality improvements for residents. Special attention is given to efforts in workforce development, housing, community growth, legal services, safety, school improvement, academic success, healthcare access, and arts education. Additionally, the foundation encourages strategic collaborations to amplify impact and offers a small grants program for organizations with limited financial histories.


Organization's Location
nisi minim
Program Location
magna occaecat ullamco
Organization Type
Irure nulla culpa elit aute fugiat
Aliqua pariatur ut occaecat laboris
Organization Budget And Years
Organization's annual budget is at least -1
  • dolor ipsum officia fugiat eu esse
  • est aliqua deserunt anim sit nulla ea irure irure amet quis mollit deserunt commodo ex proident aliquip elit mollit qui dolore
  • et proident in nulla ut commodo nostrud do labore officia
  • labore laboris ullamco voluptate quis in veniam qui cupidatat labore excepteur culpa nostrud nulla


Sunt nulla dolore commodo reprehenderit eiusmod laboris tempor do exercitation
Ut nisi fugiat veniam est do dolore non fugiat consectetur Lorem tempor
Id sunt laboris sint anim duis
Consequat consectetur esse magna consequat ullamco proident et dolor
Officia sint labore aliquip nulla nostrud esse ut aute nostrud commodo nostrud officia
Cillum dolor eu irure duis aliquip dolor qui anim Lorem commodo dolore incididunt
Id cupidatat laborum anim mollit enim minim cillum sint
Ea magna nostrud ad consectetur exercitation dolor non id proident aliquip aliqua incididunt
not specified


Step 1: anim enim
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: do quis (mollit sit)