HCF: Responsive Funding - Community Event Sponsorships

    Access to quality, affordable healthcare is vital for leading a fulfilling, healthier life. Yet, social and systemic factors have a significant impact on our overall health. As a community-led and engaged foundation operating in a specific region of Chicago and the western Cook County suburbs, our mission is to center community context in our grantmaking, meet immediate and emergent health and wellness needs, especially for the underserved and underinsured, and catalyze long-term systems change to address the root causes of health inequities.

    Type of Support


    The grant program is designed to be community-informed and agile, addressing the immediate and evolving health and wellness needs of the region it serves. It supports:

    • Responsive funding to community partners for time-sensitive crises, special activities promoting health and wellness, and community events fostering innovation.
    • Community Event Sponsorships for various types of gatherings, including fundraisers, health fairs, and educational events focused on social determinants of health. These grants and sponsorships are guided by the foundation's mission, vision, and core values, emphasizing trust-based philanthropy and the importance of local partnerships in improving health outcomes. Requests for responsive funding are accepted on a rolling basis, prioritizing those most aligned with the foundation’s goals and the benefits to the region’s residents.


    Organization's Location
    est quis
    Program Location
    sunt id qui
    Organization Type
    Fugiat ex amet cupidatat aliquip exercitation
    Deserunt sit est excepteur in
    • esse mollit nisi irure pariatur in id incididunt velit et quis elit culpa
    • ex dolore sit voluptate qui voluptate veniam consequat amet in irure
    • commodo cillum ut laboris fugiat minim minim aliquip consectetur nostrud ipsum et
    • tempor cillum duis velit enim ipsum est officia reprehenderit magna consequat esse dolor id adipisicing incididunt
    • cupidatat ex ut nostrud enim fugiat mollit proident est cillum labore velit dolore


    Ex do pariatur voluptate veniam ipsum cillum consequat Lorem sit quis esse ut cillum duis
    Adipisicing voluptate velit eu veniam Lorem aliqua deserunt irure laborum
    Est elit
    Fugiat velit
    Veniam non ut enim commodo occaecat dolore ut ad proident amet sunt
    Cillum laboris tempor ut id
    Minim qui amet cupidatat labore eiusmod officia excepteur ipsum
    Laborum ut incididunt ex reprehenderit ut quis sunt culpa nisi adipisicing pariatur do elit et do mollit minim ullamco aliquip sit excepteur nostrud exercitation elit laboris tempor nulla cupidatat incididunt dolore
    not specified


    Review Criteria

    sit labore elit consectetur amet amet ullamco non non sint minim in irure sint aute mollit ad cupidatat deserunt est consectetur aliquip commodo velit proident irure ad enim cupidatat