Flexible Funding Program: Collaboration Grants

    From The Chicago Community Trust

    Founded in 2002, the Asian Giving Circle (AGC) works to support Asian and Pacific Islander-led nonprofits in Chicago, aiming to advance social justice within these communities. AGC focuses on pooling and directing financial resources toward organizations that confront current issues faced by the diverse API communities. As part of a larger network initiated by Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy, AGC's mission encompasses the belief that strategic giving can transform and build a better world through supporting broader struggles for liberation alongside specific community needs.

    Type of Support


    The Flexible Funding Program aims to support and build the capacity of organizations to engage with community partnerships, increase investment opportunities, and coordinate efforts to align investments more closely with community priorities. Specifically targeting the racial and ethnic wealth gap, the program supports Black and Latinx-led organizations aligning with the Trust's Catalyzing Neighborhood Investment strategy. This strategy focuses on improving the investment ecosystem in underinvested communities. The program offers three types of "flexible" funding to aid these organizations. Additionally, Collaboration Grants of up to $15,000 support costs associated with participation in networks or coalitions that promote economic development or neighborhood investment in Chicago or Cook County, available on a rolling basis.


    Organization's Location
    magna sint
    Program Location
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    Organization Type
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    up to 15K


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