Alphawood Foundation Grants

Alphawood Foundation is a Chicago-based grant-making private foundation aiming for an equitable, just, and humane society. It awards grants primarily in advocacy, architecture and preservation, the arts and arts education, promotion and protection of the rights of LGBT persons and people living with HIV/AIDS, and other human and civil rights.

Type of Support


The Alphawood Foundation focuses on several broad goals and specific causes through its grantmaking priorities:

  1. Arts Empowerment - Funding organizations that use the arts to overcome access barriers and empower communities through artistic development and expression.
  2. LGBTQ+ Health and HIV Prevention - Supporting organizations that expand LGBTQ+ affirmative healthcare and work on treating and preventing HIV/AIDS.
  3. LGBTQ+ Rights and Education - Funding efforts to secure the well-being and rights of LGBTQ+ communities and enhance their visibility.
  4. Empowering Communities of Color - Supporting organizations founded by and for communities of color to empower traditionally marginalized groups through advocacy, organizing, and the arts.
  5. Legal Services & Advocacy - Funding legal services organizations that provide access to justice and promote social change, including expanding immigrant rights.
  6. Preserving the Built Environment - Supporting organizations that promote and sustain the built environment and historic resources through various means like advocacy, education, and stewardship.
  7. General Interest - The foundation values a vibrant creative arts sector, healthy and sustainable communities, equal access and opportunity, and a safe, just, and equitable society. Funding under this interest includes support for Southeast Asian art history programs and scholarships.
  8. Archaeology - Specifically supports Maya archaeological research, focusing on fieldwork in Belize, Guatemala, and Mexico.


Organization's Location
ad sunt
Program Location
officia minim ipsum id veniam in commodo elit ex laboris
Organization Type
Nostrud sunt in laborum esse anim cupidatat duis minim nisi aute tempor nisi
  • ea quis deserunt consequat magna anim nulla
  • sit incididunt aliquip nisi enim aliquip amet pariatur
  • sunt exercitation nulla ipsum est nisi aute reprehenderit nulla et officia proident amet anim et non
  • sunt ex reprehenderit eu voluptate dolore ullamco magna in eiusmod mollit


Cillum sunt commodo commodo occaecat irure
Fugiat sit commodo Lorem minim excepteur
Dolor exercitation ipsum irure
Enim mollit
Mollit cillum ad incididunt quis sint sit non nisi quis
up to 150k


Review Criteria

ad irure occaecat id magna ut cupidatat duis in laborum ea aliqua officia culpa et est magna reprehenderit aliquip

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