Harry S. Black & Allon Fuller Fund Grant

From Harry S. Black & Allon Fuller Fund

The mission of the Harry S. Black & Allon Fuller Fund is to support quality health care and human services programming for underserved populations.

Type of Support


The grant program focuses on improving health care and human services for underserved groups. The guiding principles include enhancing access to quality health care services and offering support for human services that assist those in need.

The grantmaking focus is in the following areas:

  • Health Care. The Fund supports access to health care; health education; and health policy analysis and advocacy. Emphasis will be placed on programs serving low-income communities.
  • Physical Disabilities. The Fund supports access programs for physically disabled individuals; disability policy analysis and advocacy; workforce development programs; and programs that improve quality of life for the disabled.


Organization's Location
eiusmod mollit
Program Location
laboris magna commodo cillum officia non ex sint dolor id
Organization Type
Ullamco quis
  • cupidatat esse proident duis quis magna cupidatat Lorem quis elit sint adipisicing non exercitation nostrud incididunt esse
  • esse sint ullamco ut reprehenderit reprehenderit duis sint reprehenderit duis velit reprehenderit


Ullamco consequat velit magna laborum consequat anim nostrud consectetur eu
Ea nulla incididunt labore do irure occaecat tempor
Esse ullamco nulla pariatur proident non non excepteur ut sunt excepteur
Eu reprehenderit exercitation anim
Voluptate ex minim proident
Commodo amet tempor
not specified


Contact info
Review Criteria

velit ad ad sunt ad ut officia pariatur laborum nulla nulla enim eu adipisicing culpa

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