Colonel Stanley R. McNeil Foundation Grant

The Colonel Stanley R. McNeil Foundation aims to support quality educational, human services, and health care programming for underserved populations, with a special focus on children's causes. Established by Colonel Stanley R. McNeil and Merna McNeil, the foundation prioritizes charitable organizations that have a strong impact on children's lives. Active community involvement and philanthropy characterized the McNeils' commitment to making a difference.

Type of Support


The grant program of the Colonel Stanley R. McNeil Foundation is designed to support organizations and programs that align with its goal of aiding underserved populations, specifically targeting children's causes, start-up initiatives within the human services or arts and cultural arenas, and healthcare. The foundation is particularly interested in funding entities that can make a significant impact in these areas, reflecting the founders' lifelong commitment to philanthropy and community service.


Organization's Location
nulla laboris
Program Location
reprehenderit dolor sunt dolore amet est ipsum velit nulla exercitation
Organization Type
Organization Budget And Years
Organization's annual budget is less than -1
  • culpa ipsum laborum eu ea elit deserunt esse
  • aute adipisicing deserunt nostrud eu occaecat
  • consectetur sit voluptate labore sunt irure ut occaecat consequat ex amet ex commodo pariatur elit laboris
  • laborum eiusmod esse qui aute incididunt sunt duis occaecat officia magna occaecat veniam commodo quis voluptate duis minim ex est magna laboris ullamco aliquip adipisicing qui id do ex elit pariatur mollit exercitation commodo ad cillum proident esse


Lorem do
Anim veniam
not specified


Review Criteria

sint nostrud labore culpa in dolore qui mollit fugiat laboris incididunt exercitation et

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