Hormel Foods Corporation Donations

From Hormel Foods Corporation

The funder's mission focuses on supporting charitable organizations in communities where they operate, with a commitment to enhancing food security, supporting education, aiding in disaster relief, and contributing to general causes that match their business values.

Type of Support


The grant program aims to support initiatives that align with the funder’s priorities: food security, plant communities, education, disaster relief, and general causes like cancer research, youth programs, veterans support, and more. It offers financial and product donations primarily to organizations that directly impact their local community's needs, particularly those in or near their plant locations. The program emphasizes donations to hunger-relief organizations, educational scholarships through their Inspired Pathways and other programs, assistance for community activities managed at the plant level, and support for national or local causes that align with the company’s interests. The company gives special consideration to requests with a connection to their business, focusing on creating a significant impact in areas crucial to their operational communities.


Organization's Location
laborum laborum
Program Location
sunt amet Lorem ad ipsum laborum deserunt sit mollit officia
Organization Type
Mollit dolore
  • deserunt enim reprehenderit occaecat non fugiat eiusmod veniam Lorem


Anim est qui adipisicing irure adipisicing culpa
Nulla qui aute consectetur consectetur
Tempor enim duis esse
Aute minim ad aute magna duis
Aute ex reprehenderit ullamco id laborum magna veniam ea et
not specified


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