Zimmer Family Foundation National & International Grants

From Zimmer Family Foundation

The Zimmer Family Foundation focuses on supporting religious, educational, and social programs across local, national, and international levels. It aims to bring help and hope to the less fortunate, mainly through seeding short-term pilot projects that showcase the potential for self-support.

Type of Support


The grant program prioritizes seeding short-term pilot projects across religious, educational, and social spheres. The foundation looks for initiatives that offer significant help and hope to those in need, with an emphasis on projects that demonstrate the potential for self-sufficiency.


Organization's Location
incididunt velit
Program Location
Organization Type
Elit sint in Lorem cillum cupidatat
  • do ex in dolor occaecat cupidatat eiusmod exercitation aute incididunt in occaecat et amet cupidatat
  • qui excepteur deserunt incididunt fugiat cillum magna mollit incididunt aliqua enim duis


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Ipsum enim occaecat anim
not specified


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