AJA Foundation Grants

AJA Foundation seeks to help those who have adhered to societal expectations yet find essential resources and advancement opportunities elusive or structurally inaccessible. The Foundation aims to level the playing field by investing in organizations globally that address what it sees as fundamental human rights, focusing on equal access to clean water, quality education, and essential healthcare. It partners with organizations demonstrating success, narrow missions, cost-effective solutions, and proven results, emphasizing investment in capable and committed individuals for exceptional outcomes.

Type of Support


The AJA Foundation supports initiatives globally that defend human rights, aid refugees, and provide social services, focusing on combating injustice and inequality by addressing root causes and advocating for structural change. Its commitment encompasses providing renewable clean water in rural African villages, recognizing the critical impact of water access on health, education, employment, economy, and gender equality. In health, the Foundation prioritizes organizations delivering essential services to those unable to afford or access them, with a focus on developing countries. Education grantmaking aims to support financially disadvantaged but academically successful students, providing tutoring, mentoring, advanced coursework, and scholarships in both the United States and abroad, ensuring these students reach their full potential.


Organization's Location
ipsum dolor
Program Location
Organization Type
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