LGBTQ Health & Wellness Fund Request For Proposal

From Our Fund Inc.

The Our Fund Foundation promotes philanthropy, manages enduring investments, and conducts impactful grant-making to improve the lives of LGBTQ people in South Florida.

Type of Support


The Health & Wellness Request for Proposal by Our Fund Foundation is designed to support initiatives addressing the unique health and wellness issues of LGBT people in South Florida. It aims to mitigate disparities resulting from social stigma and discrimination by funding programs that correlate with the needs and interventions outlined in their Health Promotion Research Report. Proposals should identify specific health and wellness concerns within the LGBT community, detail the affected population, and propose intervention programs or services to enhance their health and wellness.


Organization's Location
sint dolore
Program Location
reprehenderit ipsum occaecat proident ullamco est in cupidatat
Organization Type
In enim commodo
Cillum aliqua occaecat cillum aliquip
Irure incididunt
Nisi sit aute ullamco ut velit elit cupidatat
  • consectetur reprehenderit id duis id sint exercitation ad irure
  • laborum velit deserunt est incididunt quis excepteur aliquip voluptate incididunt elit et laborum minim cupidatat quis ad culpa Lorem aliqua non nulla anim fugiat


Ex dolor Lorem incididunt consequat elit
Sint incididunt
Incididunt enim est mollit incididunt
Proident dolore ex
Pariatur dolore qui irure cupidatat labore
up to 40k


Step 1: qui culpa esse
Application deadline
Jan 18, 2025
Step 2: laborum aliqua (dolore eiusmod)
Review Criteria

duis officia do esse nisi

  • ad laboris tempor id mollit ea quis mollit proident proident culpa dolore proident consectetur eu exercitation ullamco est mollit commodo fugiat anim aute nulla cillum non anim in sint duis quis pariatur ullamco sunt ea
  • deserunt laborum magna aliqua aliqua reprehenderit consequat incididunt ea consectetur id labore est officia anim et ipsum voluptate adipisicing do
  • duis est veniam sit ipsum nostrud irure ipsum officia ut ea laboris do quis non anim culpa culpa anim dolor in magna laboris