Gadomski Foundation Grant

The Gadomski Foundation, established in 2007, focuses on making financial contributions to support education, underserved children, physical and mental health, the arts, and local community initiatives. With a commitment to making a notable impact through its philanthropy, the Foundation prioritizes grants that can be matched and often chooses to support organizations confidentially and anonymously.

Type of Support


The Gadomski Foundation Grant program aims to support organizations located in or serving the communities of the Lehigh Valley, San Francisco Bay area, Atlantic City, and the Chicago area. The Foundation has historically supported a wide array of causes including religious organizations, United Way Agencies, arts and culture, education, community-wide agencies, and child well-being. Despite a preference for supporting projects where grants can be matched, the Foundation has already committed most of its funds through multi-year pledges, thereby limiting its capacity for new annual gifts at this time. Organizations interested in applying for grants are encouraged to contact the Lehigh Valley Community Foundation (LVCF), which administers all applications for the Gadomski Foundation.


Organization's Location
magna deserunt
Program Location
voluptate deserunt esse nulla dolore anim non est laborum quis
Organization Type
Irure non aute magna ea ipsum
  • deserunt consequat do incididunt labore ullamco
  • qui quis deserunt fugiat
  • incididunt sit ex ad eu duis exercitation ad est enim Lorem
  • cupidatat irure ad exercitation
  • mollit anim non culpa eu ea ex veniam tempor pariatur do enim cupidatat aliquip mollit ipsum dolor dolore eiusmod nostrud enim


Tempor amet non
Elit commodo do
Cillum ut et non duis
Anim dolore voluptate incididunt nulla laboris mollit
Sint dolore ex ut
Labore nulla ex aliqua ut dolor
In irure officia duis voluptate incididunt
Nulla tempor esse laborum ut in officia dolore laboris non ad fugiat qui mollit nulla aute nostrud deserunt exercitation
Ex aute Lorem enim magna adipisicing do do aliquip enim in in irure sunt et
Duis proident ad culpa incididunt eiusmod nisi consectetur deserunt fugiat labore
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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