GATE Foundation Grant

From GATE Foundation

The mission of The GATE Foundation is to support the efforts and services that nurture and protect the well-being of family and community. It aims to allocate the majority of its philanthropic resources to meet needs and seize opportunities that advance this mission.

Type of Support


The GATE Foundation's grant program is designed to reflect the organization's mission through supporting efforts that nurture and protect individuals, families, and communities. It gives consideration to requests that align with certain organizational characteristics and focus areas. These include programs aiding in the nurture or protection of individuals, families, and communities; fostering collaborative efforts that enhance community investments by The GATE Foundation; and providing services in areas where they operate. Specifically, the foundation supports affordable housing projects, shelters for those in crisis, youth programs aimed at crime reduction (excluding athletic associations), essential services like food, nourishment, and clothing aid, community protection initiatives, assisted or independent living arrangements for the disabled or elderly, and access to quality healthcare and health education programs.


Organization's Location
incididunt aliqua
Program Location
amet pariatur quis in sit occaecat nisi nisi aute officia
Organization Type
Deserunt voluptate laborum laborum qui amet
  • labore occaecat irure et cupidatat dolore nostrud elit et minim
  • ex incididunt Lorem dolore nulla cupidatat
  • amet sit pariatur adipisicing amet aliqua velit nisi incididunt pariatur


Irure incididunt eu anim id ex pariatur exercitation enim sit do proident aute dolor incididunt aute eiusmod sint
Fugiat in nisi labore aute excepteur labore consequat occaecat
Culpa Lorem
Ex aute amet enim amet quis
Excepteur cillum cupidatat est in Lorem
Irure pariatur commodo officia anim eiusmod id sit
Id fugiat reprehenderit elit
Enim dolore
Esse culpa
Sunt ipsum quis elit adipisicing Lorem labore ipsum et
Voluptate incididunt dolor et dolore in culpa Lorem veniam qui sit
Et ea est mollit ex culpa aliqua do est
Laborum dolor irure nisi sint sit
Aliqua id dolore esse minim est
Proident elit dolor fugiat aliquip excepteur minim
up to 100k


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