Give Well Grant

GiveWell is a nonprofit dedicated to finding outstanding giving opportunities and publishing the full details of our analysis to help donors decide where to give. More than 125,000 donors have trusted GiveWell to direct their donations.

Type of Support


**Cost-effectiveness: **We attempt to estimate figures such as the total "cost per life saved" or "cost per total economic benefit to others, normalized by base income" for each of the charities we consider. We seek out charities running programs that perform well on metrics like this. Low-income people in the developing world have dramatically lower standards of living than low-income people in the U.S., and we believe that a given dollar amount can provide more meaningful benefits when targeting the former.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
not specified


Step 1: Letter of Inquiry
Application deadline
Step 2: Full proposal (invite only)
Contact info
Review Criteria

Rather than set budgets for specific programs, we aim to direct funding to the programs that we believe will produce the most impact per dollar—in other words, the most cost-effective programs.  When we have more funding to direct, the cost-effectiveness that we consider for grants in that year tends to be lower, and vice-versa when we have less funding to direct. As the amount of money we have to direct in a given year can shift based on market factors, so can the cost-effectiveness bar in that year.  The decision of whether or not to recommend any given grant is affected by a number of factors, some of which are not in a potential grantee’s control. Core considerations include:

  • The estimated cost-effectiveness of a given opportunity, 
  • The amount of funding we expect to direct overall within a given period, and 
  • The estimated cost-effectiveness and size of other funding opportunities to which we could direct funding.