Glens Falls Foundation Grant

From Glens Falls Foundation

The Glens Falls Foundation aims to improve the quality of life for people in the Greater Glens Falls area, including Warren, Washington, and northern Saratoga Counties. Since its inception in 1939, the Foundation focuses on providing financial support to community organizations catering to human, social, cultural, and educational needs.

Type of Support


The Glens Falls Foundation Grant focuses on projects that contribute significantly to the community's welfare. The grant program prioritizes capital projects, equipment purchases, new initiatives, and special projects, while general operating expense grants are generally discouraged. The evaluation criteria include the project's viability, the applying organization's sustainability, the grant's lasting impact, the number of beneficiaries, the overall benefit to the community, the applicant's financial need, and the history of grants received by the applicant.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type


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Review Criteria

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  • laboris occaecat duis
  • velit ut anim eiusmod
  • voluptate esse pariatur veniam ex
  • id sunt aliqua consectetur proident

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