Goldberg Family Foundation Grant

From Goldberg Family Foundation

The Goldberg Family Foundation aims to foster positive change in individuals' lives and strengthen community capacities. Since its inception in 2008, the foundation seeks to support and empower organizations dedicated to improving the well-being of others. Its primary mission involves making grants to other qualifying organizations to amplify their impact.

Type of Support


The grantmaking focus of the Goldberg Family Foundation centers around supporting programs aligned with their mission to facilitate positive community and individual transformations. The foundation favors projects in various key areas: Basic Necessities, Children, Education, Arts and Cultural, and Health. It has a preference for funding initiatives that provide direct services, launch new programs, or demonstrate measurable impacts. Grants from the foundation typically range between $1,000 to $15,000, with the option for applicants to seek one-year or multi-year funding arrangements.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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1k – 15k


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