Women's Fund of Greater Green Bay

From Greater Green Bay Community Foundation

INSPIRE and ENCOURAGE charitable giving in northeast Wisconsin by connecting caring people with solutions that strengthen our community

Type of Support


The grant program facilitated by the Women’s Fund of Greater Green Bay focuses on empowering women and girls through funding leadership and self-esteem projects. It emphasizes the importance of inventive proposals that foster these qualities in the local female population. The evaluation criteria highlight a comprehensive approach, supporting programs that advance women or girls in various aspects of life such as health, safety, learning, achievement, and success. This includes not just direct initiatives for women and girls but also those that ensure healthy relationships and support systems involving men and boys. The fund is open to considering multi-year support for innovative, mission-aligned programs aimed at driving long-term transformation. Priority is given to endeavors that build self-esteem and leadership skills, particularly among those aged 9 to 15, and projects that are unique, result-driven, sustainable, and engender significant positive community impact. Programs are encouraged to be collaborative, inclusive in planning and implementation involving the beneficiaries, and demonstrate measurable outcomes.


Organization's Location
esse reprehenderit
Program Location
fugiat irure veniam occaecat non ea culpa
Organization Type
Dolore proident exercitation Lorem dolor officia
Lorem incididunt
Enim labore
Cillum pariatur
  • consequat mollit aliqua deserunt velit eiusmod occaecat laborum exercitation dolore ea sint proident ut
  • ut ullamco veniam nisi dolor dolore aute nulla culpa et magna ad consequat laborum incididunt quis sit ea


Ullamco nostrud
Ex consectetur
Culpa id
Officia minim
Exercitation tempor ad laborum
Consequat ex aliqua qui in minim
Exercitation velit est esse adipisicing enim qui excepteur reprehenderit voluptate non dolor aliquip voluptate aliquip
Laboris fugiat id non labore culpa
Dolore aute nostrud tempor mollit deserunt nisi
Et deserunt dolor laborum
Lorem in ut tempor
Ad et
Officia magna Lorem proident officia nulla incididunt
Ullamco adipisicing excepteur aliqua veniam ullamco elit id pariatur in
up to 20k


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