The mission of Hallmark's Community Involvement Program is to help create communities where all children can grow into healthy, productive, and caring individuals, vibrant arts and cultural experiences enrich everyone's lives, there's a strong infrastructure for basic institutions and services especially for those in need, and all citizens feel compelled to serve their community.
The Hallmark Community Involvement Program supports organizations that contribute to the well-being of communities where Hallmark operates. The program provides various types of support including cash contributions for specific programs, capital improvements, and sometimes operating support. It also facilitates volunteer assistance from Hallmark employees for board membership, program services, and other volunteer activities, though participation cannot be guaranteed. Additionally, product donations and fundraising event sponsorship are offered, with the latter exclusively for organizations based in Kansas City. The Hallmark Corporate Foundation, funded solely by Hallmark, aligns with this mission and shares the same application process, despite some legal usage restrictions on its funds.
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