The Hanley Family Foundation Grant

From The Hanley Family Foundation

The Hanley Family Foundation supports charitable organizations engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction and other forms of substance use disorder (“SUD”).

Type of Support


We make grants only to qualifying organizations whose primary activity is the operation of treatment programs to help individuals recover from alcoholism, drug addiction and other forms of substance abuse disorder. Due to the lack of treatment services, opportunities to support new or expanding programs that will allow more people to seek recovery are particularly attractive to HFF.

The Foundation may offer funding to organizations that offer any of the following treatment and recovery programs:

  • Medical detox
  • Outpatient
  • Partial hospitalization
  • Inpatient
  • Medication-assisted treatment
  • Therapeutic community
  • Transitional living


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type


Medical research
Prevention or education programs
Public policy related to SUDs
not specified


You may submit applications every 18 months.
Step 1: Letter of Inquiry
Step 2: Full proposal (check website)
Required Attachments
Letter of Inquiry (LOI)
Organizational Budget
Bios of Key Staff
Board List
Audited Financial Statement
Project Budget
Review Criteria

In answering questions for the full application, please emphasize what your project or program will do. We understand how significant the problem of substance use disorder is, so while you should state the specific problem you are addressing, please focus on a description of your proposed solution. Please avoid repetition in your answers.

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