Glaser Foundation Grants

The Glaser Foundation aims to provide direct-line services primarily to children and the elderly, adapting its support over time to meet immediate needs in healthcare, including innovative research and direct clinical services for low-income residents. It focuses on enriching lives and addressing challenges faced by these populations.

Type of Support


The grant program by The Glaser Foundation concentrates on six main areas: Medical, Services to Children with Disabilities, Education, Services to the Elderly, Services to Children and Families from Disadvantaged Backgrounds, and Services to At-Risk Youth.

  • Medical: Supports innovative research and direct clinical services for low-income residents in King County, initially inspired by sponsoring patient care for low-income individuals.
  • Services to Children with Disabilities: Targets early intervention programs for children from birth to five years old, with consideration up to twenty-one years, emphasizing needs such as addressing disability challenges early on.
  • Education: Focuses on keeping children engaged with school to prevent dropouts, including support for after-school programs from elementary to vocational studies.
  • Services to the Elderly: Aims to improve life quality for economically disadvantaged seniors by addressing their physical needs, combating isolation, and encouraging intellectual stimulation.
  • Services to Children and Families from Disadvantaged Backgrounds: Supports programs addressing basic needs like food, shelter, and clothing, alongside critical issues such as domestic violence, addiction, and homelessness.
  • Services to At-Risk Youth: Seeks to tackle systemic issues leading to interrupted education, homelessness, sex trafficking, and challenges faced by youth in foster care, aiming for a holistic approach to youth vulnerability.

The Foundation prefers projects that offer direct services rather than large capital campaigns and values innovative programs and organizations.


Organization's Location
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Organization Type
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500 – 50k


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