Tyson Foods Community Giving Grants

From Tyson Foods, Inc.

Tyson Foods is dedicated to producing food while pursuing truth and integrity, and creating value for shareholders, customers, team members, and communities. The company aims to be honorable, faith-friendly, inclusive, and to act as stewards of the resources, animals, land, and environment entrusted to it. Tyson Foods commits to feeding families globally with trusted products, providing a safe work environment, earning satisfactory profits, operating with integrity and trust, and honoring God and respecting all stakeholders.

Type of Support


The Tyson Foods Community Giving Grants focus on supporting community organizations through both in-kind and financial resources, aiming to improve community welfare and expand the reach of services like nutritious food distribution. A notable aspect of the grant process is the relationship management between Tyson Foods' plants and the community, where funding recommendations for community organizations come directly from the plants. These grants generally support projects that have already shown positive outcomes, with a keen interest in initiatives that align with Tyson Foods' mission to support its team members and the broader community.


Organization's Location
sunt elit
Program Location
incididunt tempor consequat elit aliquip aute mollit adipisicing ea proident
Organization Type
Pariatur minim minim culpa Lorem excepteur
  • incididunt qui ea consequat velit
  • amet aliquip commodo consequat ex nisi nulla aliquip quis ea labore
  • ut quis in ipsum non id consectetur do do excepteur non ex


Est magna exercitation aliquip minim
Deserunt esse fugiat et reprehenderit enim pariatur sit non ut non tempor ad
Aute et aliquip elit sit consequat proident ullamco ut
Laboris sit aliqua deserunt eu velit non
Irure irure nulla anim et ea id nulla sunt ullamco
not specified


Review Criteria

duis minim ad et minim quis id aliquip in eu quis fugiat et occaecat laborum aliqua duis commodo

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