Kampe Foundation General Grants

The Kampe Foundation is a private foundation dedicated to supporting nonprofit organizations through programs and funding. It focuses on community development, social justice, and environmental issues, aiming to serve communities and nonprofits in the western United States, with special attention to San Mateo County, California, and Western Colorado.

Type of Support


The grant program by the Kampe Foundation is designed to support nonprofit organizations in various core areas. These include healthcare and education for special populations such as youth, disabled, low-income individuals, and senior citizens; Christian ministry, ethics, and social justice; science and engineering; and sustainable agriculture and environmental issues. The foundation operates primarily in the western United States, particularly focusing on specific regions like San Mateo County and the North Fork of the Gunnison River Valley in Western Colorado. Note that grant submissions are by invitation only until further notice.


Organization's Location
aliquip amet
Program Location
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Organization Type
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1k – 7.5k


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