The Harold K.L. Castle Foundation focuses on enhancing the life of communities in Hawai'i. While specific mission details are not provided, their support for the Ko‘olau Pilina Fund indicates a commitment to building resilience and supporting community-driven initiatives within the Ko‘olau region of Oʻahu.
The Harold K.L. Castle Foundation aims to strengthen and support Windward Oʻahu communities through strategic grants that bolster the region’s cultural legacy, youth, families, and natural environments. With specific goals to elevate educational attainment, employment success especially in STEM fields, instill a conservation-minded ethos among students, and enhance community health, safety, and vibrancy, the Foundation seeks to accomplish significant local impact by 2027. Grants prioritize innovative and high-impact projects that can leverage additional support, encourage strong partnerships with local schools and communities, and focus on capacity building, innovation, and sustainability — excluding ongoing operational costs. Funding preferences include high-quality, collaborative initiatives either based in or with strong ties to Windward Oʻahu, with special attention to small preschool improvements and larger capital projects with an annual consideration cycle.
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